JetPac - Cloud Solutions for Small Businesses

CK5 eCommerce Subscription


Managing your membership can be a major headache for many clubs and organisations. 

With CK5 as part of your JETPAC solution we can offer a complete package for managing and communicating with your members.

Key to managing your members is to understand who they are, what their interests are. With CK5 you can build an individual profile for each person so that you can communicate with them effectively. The member profile can be made up of attributes which the User can manage for themselves and other attributes which the club management can maintain.

CK5 allows you to create your membership list, record when their membership is to be renewed.

Communicating with your membership is easy using CK5 integrated Email Management system. Here you can send weekly/monthly updates to the membership as well as ad hoc emails to certain groups within your membership.

Communicating with committee members is often a difficulty particularly if you have sensitive information to share. With CK5 we can build secure pages (intranet) where committee documents can be stored allowing only designated members to access. This is often a more efficient way and more secure way of distributing sensitive information.

Cloud Solutions

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    Employee Reviews

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    Keep records of employees and contractors, including completed training and certifications, manage assets used by employees and record follow-up appointments.

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    JS5 provides you with a set of functions to take you from orders and payments to the delivery of products or provision of services, with operational reporting tailored to your business.

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    Event Management

    Collect client details and special requests for any event, streamlining operations and delivery.

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    Sales & Client Management

    Capture sale and client details, along with all communications, to maximise your sales funnels

  • Customer Feedback

    Gaining customer feedback is critical to understanding what your business is doing well and where it could improve, QS5 makes this easy.

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    With real-time updating and constant minimum level monitoring, you can take control of your stock - managing minimum stock costs while having what you need when you need it.

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    HR (Health/Safety Compliance)

    Keeping records of monthly, quarterly or annual staff and safety reviews simplifies compliance.

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    Finance is a complex industry requiring a sophisticated solution. JS5 manages every aspect of finance quoting, invoicing and management, and can be used for fleet and asset management.

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    Online Booking Systems

    The Convenience of Online Booking

    Online booking is now expected by your clients, and creates efficiencies for staff resourcing.

Our Products....

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  • Product - QS5